My First Haircut!

Most of us know our first haircut happened when we were babies. Imagine waiting until you're in your early 20's before this happens? Hair can get pretty long in all this time! The change is even more shocking if your first haircut happens quickly, without thinking about it first! In 1977, my steady girl had long hair all her life and cut it short. No, it wasn't her first haircut, but it probably seemed like it. After she got used to the change, she eventually cut it again, shorter. Her initial reactions to her first short haircut are one of the few things behind this series.

The original "First Haircut" was a pencil drawing in the early-mid 70's, showing a young age girl in a short scooter skirt with long hair. This was my age at the time, so that's what I drew most of the time. The original was with waist length hair, but I changed it to ankle length being cut to chin length and adding the second girl years later. It was the first time I drew hair being cut, making the change as dramatic as possible. You can see by the title, I named it 'First Haircut'. It was the first one I attempted with color, using PSP around 1998. The white knee socks and short dresses I drew on most of these were very much in style with the Catholic high school girls I knew in my younger days.

"First Haircut"

I closed my eyes and took another one from the pile at random and did the same thing, this one being 'Bobbi Bobs Her Hair'. I erased her long hair, drew a ponytail in her hand, drew a beauty shop in the background, and gave her a chopped up bob haircut. Most girls, upon getting their first short haircut, save the cut ponytail. I resurrected this subject again recently, so look for occasional new releases. This series seems popular. Here's the latest:


Here's the rest of the series, 'My First Haircut'!



The Chop Jobs

At first, these are just sketches I ruined. Once in a while, usually while being upset about something, I would take the metal case that had the papers and randomly pick one out of the long hair folder to destroy. It was no big deal, I could always create more. The daring aspect of it was if I would happen to pick out one of my favorites, I would still be compelled to destroy it by making her long hair short. Sometimes, I would make her real fat and give her ugly clothes before I threw it out. Others didn't turn out well when I sketched, so I would destroy them on the spot before throwing them out. I still do this. I will never throw away a sketch where the subject still has long hair. Destroyed favorites went in to another folder and I would pick one at random and let her 'grow' her hair back.

Due to increasing interest in the First Haircut series, expect more never before seen new images with more provocative poses!

So, there you have it, I'm a weird bird. I got a thing about women and their hair. Had it for years and will continue to have it. Many others have it even worse! All in all, I would much rather see long hair than short.

