My First Haircut - 8
Before Kimberleigh can be admitted to the Island Paradise for wayward teens, she must first make a deep sacrifice as determined by the Island Mistress. Upon seeing Kimmi with her almost ankle length virgin hair board the dock, she knows the perfect sacrifice. Kimmi is told to stand on the dock before the assembled crowd, where she surrenders her purse. The Island Mistress walks up behind with the shears.
"Kimberleigh Jeanette Mathews, age 19," reads the Island Mistress from the ID in Kimmi's purse, "In order that you may be allowed to share in our Island Commune, you must sacrifice of yourself. I decree that you submit your magnificent strawberry colored hair to my shears.
Tearfully, Kimmi closes her eyes and waits for two teens to snip her hair for the first time......
Next "First Haircut" - Aunt Margret