Welcome to my underground nightmare site.
First, for those who stumble in and are shocked I have a site like this, let it be known I still love long hair on women, especially those wearing retro 70's fashion.
But there was a time when long hair drove me nuts! During high school in the early 70's, every girl had long hair. I loved the look, but things changed. In 1977 my steady girl cut off her waist length hair and convinced me short hair girls were better, even after we parted ways in the early 80's. Her haircut and those that followed were fascinating to me at the time, it gave her a whole new look. Since I was wild for her, I became wild for short, cut hair. True, many were very mean and stuck up back in the yuppie 80's, it just seemed the snootiest ones hung on to their long hair through the disco era! During this period, I depicted the destruction of long hair, rather than the beauty of it in my sketching, even ruining some of my early art. That's what this site is about. Eventually, I got over it.
So, why did I bring back this material from the old Xoom.com graveyard? Well, I have a thing about women and their hair, mostly long hair. It's the inspiration for my writing and art. There may be some who might find this short hair and cutting material fascinating. I'm first an artist, THEN a lover of long hair. As an artist, I felt that this era of my work deserved a place to be shown. You will see I have a passion for vintage fashion, too. For those who remember the old Rest Stop site at Xoom in the late 90's, this is the offspring of the 'Hair Horror' page that got about 5-10 visitors a day before Xoom folded and I became active in the long hair communities.
OK. What's here? Well, some old art, some redone, and some nightmares turned into stories. The art displayed here will not be as good as my newer, peaceful long hair goddess art. There are also stories depicting situations where long hair is cut, sometimes for love, sometimes in fear, sometimes for spite. There are also some hair bondage images I did for another webmaster. There's the First Haircut series and the Chop Job series.
Furthermore, a couple of the actions depicted here would be illegal in most parts of the world. Remember, this is FICTIONAL!! No actual hair is destroyed, except on the 'Actual Bad Haircuts' page, where bad 70's haircuts are presented with satire.
I also use this site to try new things with html and so forth, so some things may not work from time to time. I also use it to try out new hosting servers, so it may move around! What you see here at thissite.com may be something else later. Don't look for regular updates.
Still here? Want to stay and see more? Continue on, just remember what you just read! |
from the beginning. |