The Test.

The phone rang in the kitchen where Mary Kaye shared a second story apartment with her mother. It was evening, about seven. Mary Kaye was alone since her mother was at work as a diner waitress.

Mary Kaye answered the phone to hear the voice of her high school boyfriend, Kevin, who she feared she was losing to the popular girls at school. She placed her very long reddish hair behind her ear to put the phone next to it. She smiled at the sound of his voice. She had to move the ends of her hair aside so she wouldn't sit on them. She adjusted her jean cut-off shorts to be comfortable.

"Mary Kaye?" he asked.

"I'm right here, Kev!" she exclaimed.

"Is your Mom gone?" he asked.

"She left a half hour ago! Come over!" she exclaimed.

"Let's do it again tonight!" exclaimed Kevin.

"I'm ready as I ever will be! Just make sure you get the..." started Mary Kaye in return.

"I'll take care of it. I'll be over in a bit. Be ready." he said.

"I'll be dressed and waiting!" she answered.

Mary Kaye sighed, "As long as he seems willing to come over and make love to me, I guess he still loves me. I wonder if he'll make me do another test? I sure hope not!"


Mary Kaye answered the door with her purse over her shoulder and ready to go. Kevin stood with a bag in his hand.

"Kevin! Come in out of the heat!" she exclaimed.

Kevin walked into the living room and sat the bag on the counter.

"I take it you bought the condoms?" she smiled.

"Actually, I paid some snot nosed kid to get them for me. Prescott works in there and I didn't want him to see me!" he said.

"Well, are you ready for some excitement?" she exclaimed.

"Not yet! I want to test your love for me in an exciting way before we leave!" he said in a raised manner.

"KEVIN! You know I'm afraid of heights! Don't you get any more lame ideas to scare me!" she anguished.

"No, no. I won't make you climb to the roof like last time and look down. Tonight, before we make it  together, I want to really test your commitment." he charged.

"Kevin, I'm committed to you." she boasted.

"I want to see how much. I want this to be a lasting final test of our love." he added.

"I'm up to it." she boasted.

Kevin walked into the kitchen to retrieve a kitchen chair. He placed it in the center of the living room. Mary Kaye smiled at him as he looked back at her.

"Sit here and we'll start. Mary Kaye, how much do you love me?" he inquired.

Mary Kaye moved her long hair into her lap to sit on the chair. She moved her purse out of the way as she sat.

"I love you with all my heart." she boasted as she allowed Kevin to scoop the mound of hair from her lap.

"Is that all, just your heart?" he asked as he stroked the section of hair.

"I love you with all my being!" she boasted louder.

"That's better! Is your love for me blind?" he inquired.

"True love is blind, therefore, my love for you is blind love!" she smiled.

"Great! I'll be right back!" he shouted as he let her hair drop to the floor behind.

Moments later, he returned with a napkin form the kitchen table.

"Since your love is blind, you don't need your eyes." he grinned as he removed her glasses.

He tied the napkin around her eyes to blindfold her. He tugged on the purse strap on her shoulder. She raised her arm to allow him to capture her purse and place her glasses inside. He put her purse over his shoulder.

"OK, let's stand and turn around." he demanded.

Mary Kaye complied. She stood and turned, but didn't face him due to disorientation from the blindfold. Kevin gently faced her the right direction by her shoulders.

"What now?" she asked.

"How much do you trust me?" he asked.

"Completely." she boasted.

"Do you trust me enough to remove your blouse?" he asked.

"I trust you completely." she smiled as she raised her arms from her side to allow him to remove her pink t-shirt and expose her in her white bra.

"Sit down, my trusting love." he commanded as she complied.

He moved in front of her and kneeled. He placed his hand on her right sneaker. She raised her right foot in the air to allow him to remove the shoe from her right cable knit knee high sock. He repeated the maneuver for the other white sneaker.

"You have the most aspiring beauty in your red locks of love." he smiled as he stood.

"Why thank you!" she smiled.

"Really beautiful." he sighed as he took her hair once again and examined the very long red locks before his eyes, the main reason he was attracted to her in the first place.

"What are you doing with my hair?" she asked as she could feel the movement of her tresses but could not see what was happening.

"Do you have a brush in your purse?" he asked.

"Yes." she answered.

He took her purse from his shoulder and placed it on the sofa along with her blouse. He rooted through through the contents of her purse. He examined each thing in her purse and put them all out over the table in front of the sofa. He took the pink brush in his hand.

"Kevin, what are you doing over there?" she asked because she could hear him root through her things but could not see him. She dared not take the blindfold off and ruin the moment.

"Not for you to worry. I found your brush." he replied.

Before he returned to her in the chair, he opened her wallet. He found the picture of the two of them together from the amusement park they had taken after he talked her into wearing her hair in schoolgirl high pigtails for him. He smiled as he remembered the event.

"Kevin?" she exclaimed.

"Right here." he answered as he dropped her wallet and walked behind her.

"Mary Kaye, does your love for me have any restraints?" he asked.

"No." she smiled.

Kevin took off his shirt and wound it so it was long like a rope.

"Put your hands behind the chair." he commanded.

"My, we're a little kinky tonight!" she smiled.

"Yes." he replied at he loosely tied her hands together behind the chair.

Mary Kaye tugged her wrists slightly, being careful not to break loose. Kevin went to his bag and removed a camera. He took a picture. She was unaware of the flash due to the blindfold but heard a click.

"What was that?" she asked.

"I didn't hear anything." he replied.

Mary Kaye moved her hand to scratch her back. The shirt used to restrain her wrists fell to the floor.

"Oops." she sighed.

"Don't worry about that! I know now our love shows no restraints." he smiled as he moved behind and began brushing her long hair, bundled in a ponytail in one hand and brushed by the other. He retied her wrists with a loose knot as to not hurt or alarm her.

"You seem to have an interest in grooming technique tonight!" she smiled.

"Yes, I do." he answered as the brush hit a tangle, which pulled her head back in pain.

"Kevin! Be careful with my hair!" she exclaimed.

"Ok, I have only one more question for you." he smiled.

"I'm right here, Kevin. Ask." she smiled.

"I know you love me with all your being and you trust me completely. What I need to know is the strength of your commitment." he said.

"I am fully committed!" she boasted as Kevin found and took a white ponytail band from the pile of her purse contents on the table. He put the band on his wrist. He also eyed a small set of scissors she used to trim her bangs. He picked them up as well.

"Would you give me anything I want for our commitment?" he demanded.

"Yes, I would give you anything you want." she boasted.

"Anything?" he pried.

"Anything that is within my grasp to do." she smiled.

"Would you surrender your greatest asset to me, leaving you less beautiful but more committed?" he asked.

"Yes, I will surrender the beauty you see fir you to know I'm committed!" she boasted.

"What if I told you I wanted your hair." he said.

"You have my hair in your hand." she smiled.

"How much of your hair would you be willing to give me?" he asked.

"You have all three plus feet in your hand as we speak." she returned.

"Let's say I wanted to take your hair for my own and it was no longer yours?" he anticipated.

"In order for that to happen, you would have to cut my hair." she said.

"Exactly. How much would you be willing to sacrifice for our love? One foot?" he asked as he wrapped his left hand around her hair and put the scissors to it with the right hand.

"Yes, I would let you have a foot of my hair." she boasted.

Kevin moved the scissors above the strap of her bra.

"What if I asked for two feet?" he asked.

"Yes, I would give you two feet of my hair." she returned.

He moved the grip on her hair to the base of her neck. He placed the scissors right above that where the cold blade touched the nape of her neck.

"What if I asked for THREE feet!!!" he exclaimed.

"Hey, you really have scissors in your hand?" she worried at the touch of the cold blade at the base of her neck.

"Yes, I'm armed and dangerous. Is your commitment strong enough to give me three feet of your beautiful hair?" he demanded.

"Three feet, all the way up to my neck?" she worried.

"How strong is your commitment?" he demanded.

"Strong." she replied.

"This strong?" he asked as he loosely closed the scissors on her hair in excitement.

"Did you cut my hair?" she anguished.

"How strong is our love!" he shouted.

"Strong enough to give you three feet of my hair!" she shouted in ecstasy.

He closed the scissors again on her long hair. Again and again he closed the hungry shears on her defenseless hair as her tears were hidden by the blindfold.

"My commitment is strong!" she repeated over and over again as he tried to free three feet of hair from the back of her head.

Once the long section of hair was freed and held in his hand, he dropped the scissors and placed the ponytail band from his wrist on the hair. He held his trophy in the air.

"I'm strong! I'm strong!" she whimpered as the napkin blindfold absorbed her tears.

"WE'RE strong, Mary Kaye!" he boasted as he freed her wrists and removed the blindfold.

"Our love is everlasting!" he boasted as he gently tugged on her arm for her to stand.

He led her to the sofa where he moved on top of his girl. In passion, she screamed and moaned in ecstasy while he thrust his energy to her body.

"Love me forever!!!!" she bellowed.

"I will! I will!" he shouted.



Mary Kaye looked around the apartment for signs of their lovemaking. She corrected the sofa pillows, repacked her purse, and vacuumed, but could not find her cut hair.

"He must have taken my hair with him." she said as she moved to the bathroom mirror to look at her new short haircut.

"My hair is short like Helen's. I wonder what everyone will say when the see me without my long hair? I wonder what he'll do with my cut ponytail?" she pondered as she went about the task of evening out her boyfriend's handiwork into a jaw length bob.

In another room on the other side of town, Kevin looked at his prize. He sighed as he knew his next move was to dump her when school started again.

"It was a good ride, Mary Kaye, but the time has come to move on." he said to himself as he placed her ponytail in a brown paper bag.
