Martha's Modeling Gig


Seven women sat in a waiting area outside an office where a secretary typed on a typewriter. The door opened from the office and a middle aged man appeared.

"Audrey, here's a list of three. Have them stay and wait for further instructions. Send the other four to the lobby for their complimentary dinner voucher." he said as he returned to the office.

"Yes, Mr. Eck." returned Audrey.

Audrey looked at the paper with the three names and at the seven applicants.

"I guess there is no use in beating around the bush. Mr. Eck has decided on three of you for the modeling sessions. They are Martha Fencer, Debbie Snear, and Alice Sawyer." said Audrey.

"YES!!!" sang Debbie.

"Groovy!" added Alice.

Martha smiled and kept her excitement to herself. The other four left the room.

Audrey left the room for the office leaving the three by themselves. They stared at each other in silence.

Debbie was a brunette wearing a brown mini skirt and tank top. Her smile was one to be envied. Her eyes beckoned you to stare at her beauty.

"Look at those other two. How did THEY get picked?" she sneered in her mind.

Alice wasn't as pretty as Debbie and had a more country girl look. She sat wearing shorts and a camisole hoping for a break to move to the big city. Her long red hair was in a high ponytail.

"Oh, I hope this turns into something!" she thought to herself.

Martha was a plain girl with very long blonde hair. She wore khaki pants and a polo shirt. She was there only because her girlfriend and roommate talked her into trying out for this modeling gig.

"I wonder why they picked me? Those other girls sure were better looking than me! Gee, I wonder what this pays. Maybe I'll get to eat something other than rice this week!" she mused in her mind.

The three stared at each other in silence but their minds were anything but quiet.

"I wonder why they picked that plain Jane blonde over there? She's nothing. They turned away some pretty good talent to keep her!" thought Debbie.

"Look at that brunette! What a snob! She looks at the two of us like we don't belong here." thought Alice.

"That brunette doesn't like me. I can tell." thought Martha.

"Look at the hair on that blonde! I guess she never heard of a hairdresser!" thought Alice of Martha's derriere length hair as Audrey entered the room from the office.

"Alice, you're first. Follow me." demanded Audrey as Alice followed her to the office to be taken to the photo room.

"Alice, right?" asked Mr. Eck as Audrey presented Alice.

"Yes." replied Alice.

"I'm Richard Eck. Glad you could join us. I want you to start by putting that red hair of yours in pigtails and putting on this bib overall." smiled Richard.

"Without the cami." he added with a big smile as they left the room.

Debbie moved to a table of magazines. Martha, still in shock, sat alone in the corner to wait her turn. Audrey paged through some notes.

"Wow, Mr. Eck looks like he has some pretty creative plans for you." smiled Audrey.

"I hope so. I hope he makes it worth my while!" sneered Debbie in a snobby tone.

"I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about her!" said Audrey as she pointed at Martha, who looked away.

"For HER? It will take some pretty creative photography to make THAT look good with all that scraggly hair!" mumbled Debbie.

"Pardon?" asked Audrey.

"Nothing, just talking to myself." answered Debbie.

The door opened. Alice appeared in white hot pants and her red pigtails in white bows. She carried a small suitcase. Richard followed her into the room.

"Your check is waiting at the receptionist's desk and the clothes are yours. Thank you for your time. We'll get back to you if we want to use you again." said Richard as Alice left the room.

"LOSER! They aren't calling you again as long as this world spins around the sun. You should have taken ME first and sent those two home!" smiled Debbie in her mind.

"I'll take the brunette next." said Richard.

Debbie took one last glance at Martha.

"Once I'm done, they may as well send you home." sneered Debbie as she followed Richard from the room.

Audrey banged some more on the typewriter. Martha continued sitting in the corner in silence. Suddenly the typing stopped.

Audrey looked at Martha. She looked at the folder in front of her.

"Martha, you haven't said a thing since you've been here." said Audrey.

"I'm sorry. I'm a little shy." replied Martha.

"I see you have no modeling experience. What brings you here?" asked Audrey.

"A friend talked me into this. I'm surprised I made the cut." languished Martha.

"Mr. Eck certainly sees something in your hair!" exclaimed Audrey.

"My hair?" wondered Martha.

"Yes. It's the centerpiece of the session." said Audrey.

"What are his plans for the session?" asked Martha.

"Oh, I can't tell you and give the secret away, right?" smiled Audrey.

"Right." stammered Martha as Audrey went back to her typing.

The door opened. Debbie appeared with her hair in an upsept twist and wearing a red strapless gown. She too carried a suitcase. Richard followed her into the room.

"Debbie, your check is waiting for you by my receptionist. I take it this is the number where you may be reached?" he asked.

"Yes, it is my answering service. I'm a very busy girl!" she smiled.

"Very well." he returned as he turned to the corner to Martha.

"Ah, Martha. Are you ready?" he grinned with the evilist of grins.

"I guess I'm as ready as I ever will be." stammered Martha in return.

"Audrey, that will be all for the day. Check with me tomorrow early with my list of appointments." said Richard.

"Thank you, Mr. Eck. I trust you will have some fun with this last session. Here's her contract." said Audrey.

"Very well. Martha, shall we?" smiled Richard.

"I'm ready." stammered Martha as they walked through the door.


"Have a seat while I send for a hairdresser and your outfit. I have a contract for you to sign before we start." smiled Richard as she sat at a table and Richard set the contact in front of her.

He walked to a phone and made a call while Martha looked at the contract.

"Model agrees to wear the outfit provided by the photographer. The outfit becomes the property of the model." read Martha as she glanced at Richard on the phone.

"Model agrees by signing this contract to allow the photographer's hair stylist to arrange the model's hair as the photographer sees fit. Failure to comply voids the contract." she continued to read.

"Completion of a successful session will result in a payment by the photographer to the model the sum of $500. The session

and photos become the property of the photographer. Failure of the model to complete a successful session will result in the model paying for the photographer’s time at a rate of $100 dollars per hour." read Martha.

"Are we ready?" asked Richard.

"I don't understand this thing about the failure to complete a session." said Martha.

"Oh, that is in there to protect me from a girl changing her mind and not wanting to model halfway through the session. Time is money and I'm not here to waste either." he smiled.

Martha signed the contract as a man and a woman entered the room.

"Martha, you will be wearing this red plaid miniskirt and white blouse. Hey, wait! Where are the shoes and the knee socks?" he asked of the man.

"Right here”. said the woman as she placed a bag in front of Martha.

"I'll take this contract while you put on this outfit. I'll get my business manager to cut your check." smiled Richard.

"Where is your dressing room?" asked Martha.

"There isn't any dressing room. Change right there." said the woman as the wardrobe man left the room with Richard.

Martha stripped to her bra and panties.

"Take those off, too. We have these." smiled the woman as she produced a white cotton thong for Martha to wear.

Nervously, Martha dressed into the cotton thong, plaid miniskirt, the tie front white blouse, the knee socks, and the shiny black strapped shoes.

"I feel like a private schoolgirl." smiled Martha as she stood.

"That's the idea. I'm Rita and I'll be doing your hair as we progress through the session. Sit right here on this stool while I fix these long blonde locks into something cute." said Rita as Martha complied and anxiously awaited her first ever modeling job.

Richard entered the room alone.

"Hey, I like that, Rita!" exclaimed Richard of Rita's style which had the sides of Martha's extra length blonde hair ties in mini pigtails at each temple while the back hung loose behind.

"Let's move over here, Martha. Remember, smile and move around!" said Richard.

The session started. At first, Martha was uneasy, but warmed up a little at Richards’s encouragement.

"Great! Rita, let's do a high ponytail." suggested Richard.

"Right, Mr. Eck." replied Rita as she released the two small clips and placed Martha's hair in a cotton scrunchie.

"Let us continue. Remember, smile!!!" sang Richard.

"Martha, lift the skirt!" demanded Richard.

Martha lifted the skirt a little.

"More!" demanded Richard.

"Like this?" asked Martha as the white cotton thong became visible.

"Perfect! Now spin around!" he shouted as the camera flashed out like fire from a machine gun.

"Let her hair loose! I've waited years for a chance at a girl with hair this long!" exclaimed Richard in excitement.

Rita took the scrunchie from Martha's hair. The session continued with fast moving air from a nearby fan. Martha's hair danced in the breeze. She couldn't believe this was happening to a plain girl like herself!

"Great! Now it's time to cut!" smiled Richard.

"Cut what?" wondered Martha.

"Your hair!" smiled Richard.

"My hair?" worried Martha.

"How much would you like cut, Mr. Eck?" asked Rita.

"Up to here." smiled Richard as he walked to a stunned Martha and placed his finger at a point right below her chin.

"NO! I don't want my hair cut!" pleaded Martha.

"You don't have a choice, Martha. You signed a contract that states I may arrange your hair as I see fit. I want a chin length choppy bob to continue. Would you rather stop here?" demanded Richard.

Martha was speechless.

"Let's see, we've been here for about 35 minutes. I charge by full hours, so if you choose to stop here, you owe me a hundred bucks." smiled Richard.

"But I'm broke! I don't have a hundred bucks!" pleaded Martha.

"You'll have FIVE hundred if you shut up and let Rita cut your hair!" demanded Richard.

Martha was had. Her hair was doomed. There was nothing she could do but to slowly walk to the stool and sit in frond of Rita.

Rita gathered Martha's long blonde hair in her fist. Martha looked to the floor in tears. Richard was aroused seeing Martha cry. Just as Rita was about to chop the gathered hair at the top of Martha's neck from behind, Richard interrupted.

"No, no, Rita! I want it done half at a time!" he interrupted.

"As you wish, Mr. Eck." replied Rita.

"Why are you doing this to me?" cried Martha.

"That isn't your concern." groaned Richard.

Rita stood to Martha's left. She gathered the long blonde locks on that side in her hand and held the shears in the other.

Rita looked to Richard for the go ahead to cut Martha's pretty hair. Martha closed her eyes tightly and awaited the crunching blow to her hair.

"Yes, Rita, right there." smiled Richard.

Rita closed the shears on Martha's helpless tresses.


The new short cut fell in Martha's face. Rita held three plus feet of blonde hair in her hand.

"Great! Stop there!" smiled Richard.

"It's not even." pleaded Rita.

"I don't want it to be even. I want it to look like a punishment!" laughed Richard to Martha's wailing.

"Sit still here on the floor while I take a few with your hair half chopped. Those tears are a nice touch." demanded Richard.

"I don't understand! Why did you have to cut off my hair?" whimpered Martha.

"Shut up and do as I say if you wish to be paid. This is an integral part of my plan." said Richard.

"What plan is that, Mr. Eck?" asked Rita.

"This shoot is titled 'Punishment Haircut'." She's supposed to be a private college student. We started out with a few poses in the skirt, then I have her lift the skirt to show the thong. Her punishment for flirting her underwear in school is for her to cut her hair!" laughed Richard.

"Oh." stammered Rita.

"Stand up. Martha. I need some close-ups." said Richard as he shot flashed close to Martha's tortured face.

Soon he stood back.

"Rita, finish the job. I want it to look like it was a self cut without a mirror. We'll even it out when we're through." said Richard.

Martha sat again on the stool in front of Rita, who gathered the long side of Martha's blond hair. She held the remaining long locks high in the air.

"So long, hair." she sang as the shears ripped through Martha's hair at the jawbone.

Rita and Richard stood in front of Martha and her new chopped bob.

"Oh, quit that crying and pouting! It will grow back." said Rita.

"B-but m-my hair! It's so short!" whimpered Martha.

"Quit crying and stand up so we can continue!" demanded Richard.

"B-but uh,.." stammered Martha.

"Martha! If you want to be paid, we have to finish. It's getting late!" exclaimed Richard.

Martha stood. Richard walked to a cassette player and turned on some music.

"Dance! Shake that hair! Lift that skirt again! Show some defiance and I'll add another hundred to your pay!." shouted Richard.

Martha started dancing to the music. She lifted the skirt. Her face showed sheer defiance, not because Richard asked it of her, but out of sheer rage from being tricked into a short haircut.

"Beautiful!!!! We're done!" shouted Richard.


Martha walked the long way home to think about what happened to her hair. She strolled the alley behind her apartment in the school girl outfit and without her once pretty long hair. She walked the steps to the second floor. As she opened the door, her friend was there to greet her. Her friend stared at her shorn locks with a smile.

"I see you got the job." smiled her friend.



"Martha's Modeling Gig' is a fictional story of submission using a plot from over 20 years ago. Any similarity to an actual event is an accident. Do you like the picture manipulations?
