Hair Massacres: Dealing with lice at the trailer park.

Grandma has her own way to deal with the problem of lice. Three daughters and a baby that still live under her roof pay a price.

The girl in the pink bra and panties brings home lice either from the local high school or one of her babysitting jobs. She has it so bad, her clothes are stripped and pitched. Her head is on it's way to being shaved. Her sister has a few nits, but with her new baby, she succumbs to an ugly bowl cut after stripping to her underwear at Grandma's request. The red head cut her own hair after finding lice earlier and performs the younger sister's bowl cut. Grandma is quite mad at the youngest one for starting the whole thing, thus her knee length hair being shaved. The massacre happens outside while a stink bomb dissipates in the trailer to kill the lice in the furniture.