Voted out!

Mary Ellen's three younger married sisters give their oldest but still single and never married sister a surprise 40th birthday party at her apartment. With Mary Ellen seated in the middle of her living room and the guests standing all around, they wonder what she should do to make her more vibrant. They suggest many changes, such as a new wardrobe, getting contact lenses, or maybe changing her hair, which was calf length. By a margin of 3 -1, her hair became the topic of change. Scared, Mary Ellen slumped in her chair. The youngest sister gleefully ran to retrieve scissors from the kitchen. Another vote, 8 for her to cut her hair very short to attract an older conservative man, 3 to cut it shorter but still longer than her shoulders, and only one to leave it as is and hope for the best. Mary Ellen ran from the room into her bathroom and locked herself inside!

With a dirty, sour, disgusted look on her face, she undressed. She forcefully whacked her long brown hair mercilessly above her cheekbone. About a half hour or so later, Mary Ellen emerged with her new choppy look in her underwear and crying.

"Satisfied?" she sobs........

1. "It's about time you finally cut that hair!"

2. "Oh my, I never thought it could get worse! Look at her NOW!!!!"

3. "We'll trim this up and get her to the nearest bar before it grows back!"

You come later to the party and see Mary Ellen walk out of her bathroom with her mutilated hair. You agree with which guest? Vote in the Forum Poll.

Next: ...another self inflicted nightmare.