Her name is Mary Beth. She dictates how things are run, based on popularity and suck-up. As she ages, she forces all the nice looking young ladies into dead end jobs out of spite and jealousy. One, a new girl who came on board with luxurious blonde hair to her thighs caught the eye of the vice president's son, one who Mary Beth wanted for herself! This poor girl, Tanya, was forced into the clean room from her office job, where promptly, Mary Beth orders all clean room employees to cut their hair above their shoulders. Tearfully, this new blonde surrenders her hair to keep her job.
Mary Beth is 45. She hasn't had a boyfriend or even a date in years as none can put up with her whims, mood swings, and vengeful personality. She's gaining weight, drowning her loneliness with burgers and fries. But still, she thinks she's the hottest thing alive, wearing her super short miniskirts and flaunting her ankle length graying hair, especially outside the clean room at break time where long hair is against the rules, rules she made to ruin others. Her wicked smile reveals crooked and missing teeth. Her skin is wrinkled from too much sun on her fair complexion. She always wears go go boots or dark stockings because she's self conscious about a birthmark on her right calf. (Have a look at this sight.)
This Friday afternoon, things take a turn. Tanya, her best friend from the office, Claire, and another new hire, Donna, sit with coffee. Claire has made a discovery that may bring Mary Beth down from her throne! Mary Beth takes her long hair and lets it cascade in front of her shoulder. They shudder at her presence and dream of the day they will bring her down.
Mary Beth: Oh, why Tanya, isn't that new 'do just so much cooler?
Tanya: Yes, Mary Beth.
Mary Beth: Well, it looks MUCH better than that long mess you started here with!
Tanya: Thanks, Mary Beth.
Mary Beth: You're not dating Mr. Hollinger's son anymore, right?
Tanya: No. It was only a dinner with some of his friends.
Mary Beth scampers on, singing and relishing once more how well she rules the company.
Claire: Why do you take that from her?
Donna: How I would love to see her Daddy demote HER to the clean room and see her cut HER hair! I HATE how she flaunts it around here!! Oh, how I would love to see it hacked off!
Tanya: I need this job. I can't fight her.
Claire: Look, she can't get a date. She's so fat and looks ridiculous in those miniskirts!
Donna: Like she still thinks it's 1969, not 1979!
Claire: So, let's make it happen!!
Donna: Make what happen?
Claire: Get Mary Beth demoted to the clean room from her nice air conditioned office!
Tanya: How?
Claire: I've been through the books late at night and found she's skimming money from the company. Not even Daddy's Princess gets away with that! Her brother will have her head!
Tanya: You sure??
Donna: Why didn't you tell us this earlier?
Claire: Cause I wanted her to dig a real deep trap for herself. When she made Tanya cut off her hair and move to the hot clean room out of spite for one date with John Hollinger, I just had to do SOMETHING! She writes checks to herself every Friday for the last two months. I think she's in pretty deep by now, about $5,000 dollars!
Tanya: Great! Let's confront her with it this afternoon.
Donna: I have a better idea! Let's not wait for her to get demoted, you know, she might only get a slap on the wrist! Lets cut her hair ourselves!!!
Claire: I'm in!
Donna: Yes, let's go for it! Tanya.
Tanya: I don't know. We'll be fired.
Donna: Maybe, but with this leverage, I bet we can make her cut her OWN hair!!
Claire: No way!! I want the privilege of ruining her look MYSELF!!
Tanya: OK, I'm in.
Claire: Great! We'll wait by her car about six. Donna, you grab her arm, I'll get behind with the shears and hack just enough to ruin her long hair where she'll have to cut it all off later! Tanya, you go for her purse so we can see what she skims for this weekend and get her car keys. Then we'll leave her with half cut hair and no way home.
Donna: Half cut hair? Let's do it ALL!
Claire: No, it will be much more humiliating for her to be stranded with most of her hair in tact! We'll leave her a way to finish the job herself.
Tanya: Imagine! The very thing she flaunts at us, she'll have to destroy by her own hand! Oh, I can't wait!!!!! Revenge is sweet!
6:00 that afternoon, the three girls wait outside the building for Mary Beth to get to her car. They're all dressed up for an evening of celebration. They've spent two hours waiting for their moment.
Tanya: Here comes the beached whale!
Mary Beth: Don't you girls have anything else to do? Why are you hanging around here? You all get off at four!
Donna walks up behind Mary Beth and grabs her arm. Clair walks behind also, while Tanya stands to her right where her handbag hangs from her shoulder.
Mary Beth: HEY! LET ME GO!!!! SECURITY!!!!
Claire: Go ahead, call security! We'll tell them all about the $5,000 dollars you stole from the company!
Donna: Say goodbye to the only thing you have that's in any way attractive! Say bye-bye to your long hair!!!!!!
Claire produces a pair of scissors. Mary Beth struggles violently to break free. Tanya tries to steal Mary Beth's purse to see what she may have skimmed for the weekend. Mary Beth kicks and struggles but can't break free. Donna clings on to a piece of Mary Beth's long hair as Claire fights Mary Beth's movements to get the scissors in position. Finally, the scissors close on Mary Beth's hair, severing a chunk above the ear out of the left side of her hair about five feet long and knocking free one dangling earring. Donna holds up the severed hair for Mary Beth to see. Mary Beth stops struggling at the sight of her shorn hair. Tanya easily slips Mary Beth's purse from her shoulder as she collapses in shock to the parking lot, wailing over her ruined hair.
Tanya empties Mary Beth's purse on the ground and finds a company check for $900.00 written to herself. Claire hands a sobbing Mary Beth the scissors.
Claire: Here, you can finish this haircut yourself.
Tanya: Well, $900 dollars. What did we have planned, your highness?
Donna: Daddy MIGHT let you work in the clean room in Tanya's spot, cause he WILL let her move back to the air conditioned office! Remember, cut your hair above the shoulders and dress cool! Your rules, Mary Beth!
Donna holds up the five foot piece of hair, shouting "YES! YES! She's been defeated!" Tanya kicks the contents of Mary Beth's purse around the parking lot and takes her car keys. Some items, such as her brush are thrown into the woods and the creek below. Claire takes the empty purse and throws it in the creek below. Tanya takes the company check and slips it down Mary Beth's revealing top. They leave Mary Beth stranded in the parking lot with partially shorn hair, one earring, no car keys, no purse, her personal items either flung into the woods, the creek or around the parking lot to be run over by other cars, and the incriminating check peeping from her top, sobbing.
Daddy and big brother have all ready been told of the skimming by Claire, so when Mary Beth walks back to the estate, she's greeted with a horrible surprise. They're waiting for her in the foyer with revenge on their mind.
Daddy: So, Mary Beth, don't I pay you enough?
Mary Beth: Yes, Daddy.
Brother: (laughing) Then why did you get half a haircut?
Mary Beth: Claire, Tanya, and Donna did this to me! I HAVE to go downtown tomorrow to get the other side shortened, but I should be able to keep the back long. Fire them, Daddy!!!
Daddy: No. Claire did me a favor! Mary Beth, why did you have to steal from me? Why didn't you just ask?
Mary Beth: Daddy, I'm lonely. I have to BUY friends, even if just for one night! I didn't want you to think your little girl was lonely and had no friends!!
Brother: What should we do with her?
Daddy: Obviously, we can't let her continue on as general manager of the plant. We can't trust her.
Brother: We should make her work this debt off.
Daddy: Yes. They pay 5 dollars an hour in the clean room. Since I'm moving the blonde back to the office, there's a position open for her. Let's see, 40 dollars a day, 200 dollars a week, she'll have the money paid back in about a year. Then we'll see what we have for her after that. If she shows she can be trusted, we'll move her to a better job.
Mary Beth: (wails loudly.) But Daddy, am I not your little girl???
Daddy: Yes, you are, sweetie, but you have to learn a lesson.
Brother: What about that hair? Are we to let her work in the clean room with her long hair?
Daddy: Absolutely not! Allison is waiting in the kitchen with clippers so Mary Beth will be in compliance with her clean room rules. (Comes up behind crying Mary Beth and gathers the back of her ankle length hair in his hand.) No, sweetie, you can't keep the back long and there's no more downtown hairdressers for you for a while. It's time you quit this fake beauty charade with these miniskirts and spaghetti strap tops! Without this hair, maybe you'll act more your age and dress more age appropriate!
Mary Beth is led to the kitchen where Allison puts a bed sheet over her top and miniskirt.
Allison: Looks like someone beat me to it! Only thing is, they didn't cut it as short as I plan to!
Monday, Mary Beth shows up for duty in the very warm clean room with short shorts and a very short pixie cut to work off her debt to Daddy. The new haircut adds over 20 years to her look. She can't wear her boots or dark stockings to cover her birthmark in the warm room, so she covers it with matching knee socks. She sits alone, defeated, no one will talk to her. She must be on her good behavior! Claire is the new plant manager!