"Locks of Love Massacre"
The girls just entering this dungeon are shocked to find out they're soon to donate their hair.
History of the Massacre Series.
The original thought behind this series is based on these events from the 80's.
There was this mother and her daughters in the 80's that all had such long hair, (not as long as above). I used to go out of my way to drive by to see if any were out in the yard, doing whatever. One day, the mother had a short haircut. As I saw the daughters over the next weeks, they had short hair also. Don't know what happened, probably don't want to. Don't drive by there any more.
There were these sisters who had such long hair, (article didn't say how long). One got some disease that caused her to lose her hair, (article said what, but I forget). It went on to say how the other sisters all cut their long locks to make her feel better. She may feel better, but the rest of the long hair admirers feel worse.
I met this girl with (almost) thigh length hair at a new job. At first, I wanted to get to know her, but all she did was insult my old pick-up truck and the way I dressed. Persistence paid off, after about a year, she and I became friends and I could discuss her hair with her. One day, after a Thanksgiving holiday, she came back without about a foot of her thick brown hair. It turned out her sisters talked her into it and wanted to do even more damage! (up to the shoulders).
Next Massacre, "Family Massacre"